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Writer's pictureMisty Kuefler

Speaking of Comfort Zones

My last post was about stepping out of my comfort zone, which had me thinking about also honouring comfort zones.

At the same market that I hoola-hooped for the internet, I met a lovely woman who was as talking to me about offering massage at the studio. I explained to her that we don't have a private room so it's not really possible, and she gave me the idea of offering clothed massage. It made me think, how many people do not give them the gift of massage because they do not want to take their clothes off in front of anyone? How many people yearn for the touch of another person but cannot let themselves be vulnerable? Maybe vulnerability isn't safe. Perhaps they are in a body that they hide for various and understandable reasons. Perhaps being naked isn't safe.

And then there is the whole business of a massage it big enough? Will it hold my weight? Can I climb on to it? What if I can't lay on my stomach or flat on my back? What if a massage table is just not accessible? Can I sit in a chair?

It made me consider that traditional massage may not be accessible, and that being an Accessible yoga studio we have the opportunity to offer massage to those who want it a little different.

I reached out to my friend Maureen and asked her about the possibility of coming to work at Enrich. I know that massaging with clothing on is not as easy on the therapist as unclothed. She loved the idea, and we had a great conversation about making massage accessible. So, this idea took shape and I am excited to announce that we will be offering accessible massage at the studio, beginning Thursday, July 13 from noon until 4:00 pm. You can book your massage in 30,45 or 60 minute sessions and again, they can be booked as chair or table.

Just as I want yoga to be accessible to all, I want the healing benefits of massages to be accessible to all. You deserve this treatment, regardless of size, shape, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion or age.

I hope that this new offering is something that can benefit the Enrich community. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

Just as I talked before about stepping out of your comfort zone, I also invite you to honour your boundaries, and I will support you as much as I can.

Much Love


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Darlene Shewciw
Jul 04, 2023

Is the therapist an RMT (Registered Massage Therapist)?

Jul 04, 2023
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Hi Darlene! Yes, I am an RMT. I don’t currently direct bill but I can provide you with a receipt that you can submit.


Gloria Kelly
Gloria Kelly
Jul 03, 2023

So excited for this


Jul 02, 2023

What a wonderful idea! Do you have prices yet?

Jul 03, 2023
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